
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be


Welcome to the Maths page!

On this part of the website you will find resources to help you with maths at home. 

Year 5 Maths Challenge 2024: Third Place!

N Rich Problem Solving School 

Coates Primary School is an N Rich Problem Solving School. We follow the N Rich Problem Solving Charter to raise the profile of mathematical problem solving and nurture better problem- solvers. We are very proud to display the logo at school. 

Outdoor Maths Day

On the 19th April Year R- 5 spent the day exploring Maths and PE skills outside. Subject leaders Mrs Lilley and Mr Bradshaw collaborated on creating a day where children can practise their PE skills such as orienteering, multi skills and healthy lifestyles outside, alongside being able to spend time as a school experiencing maths outside. The children in KS2 created their own Coates Primary School Maths Trails for KS1 to complete. The children spent the afternoon collaborating together and KS2 showed great leadership skills. Below are some examples of the trails and photos of the children testing them out. 


NSPCC Maths Day 2024

Some problem solving solutions from Coates Primary School. The children played the memory game! It put their describing and drawing skills to the test! They even managed to test Mr Bradshaw in assembly. The children also solved some NRich problems and they published their own class books of their solutions. 


Year 3 Maths Day

Year 4 Maths Day

Year 6 Maths Day

Coates Primary School Published! 

Last year our year 4 teacher Alison Penney was part of the Girls in Maths project. She worked alongside the Local Authority and Nrich. Alison's project was successful, and in this success she was published in the national maths journal, Primary Mathematics. We are very proud of Alison and the hard work she contributed to this project and cascaded out to staff in wider CPD. Please see PDF below for the article that was published.  

Purple Problem Solving 


At Coates Primary we have been developing our problem solving skills throughout the year. In our work books we have been focusing on particular problem solving skills each half term. 

Autumn Term 1 focus: Patterns

Autumn Term 2 focus: Visualising

Spring Term 1 focus: Trial and Improvement 

Spring Term 2 focus: Working Systematically

Summer Term 1 focus: Working Backwards

Please see attached information about maths problem solving skills that are taught throughout the maths curriculum at Coates Primary. 

Autumn 2

White Rose Parent Guides

Maths Curriculum Statement

Times Tables 


Please see below some links to practise your focus times tables. These games are to help you increase your pace and improve your fluency of times tables up to 12 x 12. 

Times Table Rockstars App

Maths at Home Guide

Number blocks 

Click on the link below for games and clips about Numberblocks, a fun way of teaching number and learning about the value of number for children in the EYFS and KS1. 

End of KS2 Assessment Parents Information
