
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

Robins – Reception

Welcome to Robins Class


Hello and welcome to the Robins class page. Our names are Mrs Lilley and Mrs Boucher and we are your reception class teachers for this year. Mrs Lilley works Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Boucher works Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs Norris, Mrs Brown and Miss Davidoff will be working in our team this year. Mrs Norris teaches Forest schools weekly to the reception children. 


This page is for Robins class to update you on what the children have been learning, locating information and uploading useful websites or pages for you and your children to explore. Please visit regularly for updates.  



Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2


1 & 2

Summer 2
All about   me


Autumn and Winter


All Creatures

Great and Small 

Globe TrottersSow and Grow


Weekly Reminders 


Book change days are Monday and Thursday - Please can your child's book and reading record be in school everyday to enable us to hear readers in the school week.


Library Book change day is a Tuesday.


P.E days are Monday and Wednesday - Can your child come to school wearing the appropriate clothing and footwear. 


Forest School is on a Thursday- Please ensure your child has appropriate weather clothing (waterproofs, wellies, warm clothes and change of socks). 


PE days to start WC 11th September 

Reception Baseline Assessment Parent Leaflet

50 things to do before you are five

Please see link below to take to you the 50 things project and app that you can download for free.

Try out the app and see what activities you can find! 

Useful Links and information 


Please see links attached below which have been recommended by the Early Years Team. The Cbeebies link has lots of useful ideas to try at home with your child, information and advice for parents. A handy tool! 


Another useful link is the Cbeebies Alphablocks and Numberblocks shows. They are lots of fabulous clips on BBC iplayer which are used in school to help visualise and build numbers. Please do share and take a look at home with your child. 


Finally is the 'Activity Passport' for children which has been released by the Government with a list of recommended activities and learning opportunities for children to experience at each age and stage. Please do try these at home. 


Useful Websites 

Useful Information

  • PE days are Wednesday. Please come into school wearing the appropriate kit.

  • Forest Schools are planned on Thursday afternoons. Wellies and waterproof coats are needed. A letter and information about a start date will follow. 
  • Please ensure all clothing is labelled.
  • Lunch - we like to encourage healthy lunch choices avoiding items such as chocolate and sweets in lunch boxes. If your child is having a hot dinner then please discuss the menu so that they know whether to choose the meat, vegetarian or Pick n Mix options.
  • Extra snack can be brought in for morning break time- fruit or vegetables only.
  • Guided reading will be completed as a whole class session three times a week. 
  • 1:1 reading will be completed on a weekly rota with adults in class.
  • During better weather please ensure that your child has sun cream and a sunhat.
  • In the winter months please ensure your child has a suitable jacket along with hats and gloves too.
  • Children can bring a change of shoes to be able to go onto the play equipment outside and the field during play times in the summer months.

All about Me Boxes


Don't forget to bring in your Summer/All about me boxes into school next week as we would love to see all of the things that are important to you at home. Photos of your family and friends are welcome so we can display these with pride in our classroom. 

Looking forward to seeing you all next week. 
