
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

Nightingales – Year 4

Welcome to Nightingales Class!


Hello, I'm Mrs Penney and I am very excited to be teaching Year 4 this year. We have lots of fun and interesting topics ahead of us! I am the Music and History lead and this will be my ninth year at Coates Primary School. I love to sing and play the piano and also love sewing in my spare time. I also love to spend lots of time with my family. 

In Year 4 our topics we will cover are 

Autumn 1- Ancient Greece

Autumn 2- France

Spring 1- Roman Britain

Spring 2- Life as a Raindrop

Summer 1- The History of the Fens

Summer 2- 'Mountains

Summer 1

Computing - we have been completing a unit on editing images which we have really enjoyed. We have learnt how to crop, rotate, delete parts of an image and add in another image on top of an existing one

In PE we have been creating different twists and turns in our gymnastics unit

Spring 2

DT - we have been designing and sewing our own sea creatures made out of felt. It was a bit tricky to thread the needles at first!

Science - we have been investigating States of Matter and looked at the rate ice cubes melted over different temperatures of water. We also got to play with an ice cube to see how quickly it would melt in our hands!

World Book Day

Spring 1

Art - We have been looking at mosaics linked to our history topic of the Romans. We have created our own printing blocks to create our mosaics.

Science - We have been enjoying our new topic of electricity and building circuits with different components.

Autumn 2

Art - we have been looking at the artwork of Van Gogh and having a go at our own Sunflowers!

Science - we have been investing how sounds are made

Autumn 1

Trip to Ferry Meadows

In our DT lessons we have designed and made our own Greek pottery. It was very messy!

In history we have been learning about the Ancient Greeks.

In Science we have been looking at living things and their habitats. We have learnt to sort and categorise living things in a variety of ways.

Useful Information


  • PE days this term will be on Wednesdays and Thursday. We will be starting swimming on the week commencing 11/9/23.
  • Children are expected to read regularly and bring their reading book and diary to school every day.
  • Homework is uploaded to Google Classroom every Thursday and is due in on Tuesday. 
  • Spellings are uploaded to Google Classroom every Thursday and your child will be tested on these the Wednesday after they have been set.
  • If your child is having a school dinner then please share the different options available to them so that they know whether they are having the meat, vegetarian, jacket potato or pick 'n' mix option.
Below are some links to websites that are really useful to use throughout the year:

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mrs Penney
