
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

Kingfishers – Year 6

Hello and welcome to the Kingfishers class page.


My name is Mrs Walker and I am very excited about staying in Year 6 and teaching a new set of pupils. Throughout the year we have some very interesting topics that we will cover, I cannot wait to share these with you. Within the school, I am Science and PSHE leader and a member of the SLT. 


At home, I enjoy spending time with my family, going to different places, enjoying walks and spending lots of time at home, playing games and reading. 


This page will be updated throughout the year with different aspects we will be covering as well as information based upon the learning that has already taken place and useful websites.


I cannot wait to see you all and begin your Year Six journey. 


Our topics this year are:


Autumn 1                Tales of the Riverbank

Autumn 2               Extreme Earth

Spring 1 and 2        Full Steam Ahead 

Summer 1 and 2     The Seafaring King Who Had Six Wives



Useful information


  • During this half term, PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please make sure your child wears their PE kit on a Monday and brings in their PE kits on a Thursday.
  • Children are expected to read regularly, filling in their reading diaries and bringing them in every Thursday so that I can award certificates based upon their fantastic efforts.
  • Homework will be sent on Google Classroom each Thursday for your child to complete. Once they have done this, they will then need to send it back to me on Google Classroom by the following Tuesday for me to mark and upload my comments. I look forward to seeing the wonderful work they produce.
  • Spellings will also be sent on Google Classroom each Thursday. Your child will then be tested on these the following Thursday with results being sent home once they have been marked. 

Below are some links to websites that are really useful to use throughout the year:



Autumn Term 1


This half term, Year Six have started the year working exceptionally hard. In maths, we have looked at place value and the four operations, becoming experts in both long multiplication and long division. In English, we have been studying a book based upon the Suffragettes, which we have found particularly interesting. We have used the book as inspiration for our extended pieces of writing. In geography, we have looked at rivers, focusing on the features and the different parts of them. In science, we have looked at light, using a range of investigative skills to help us to identify aspects relating to light. In art, we have studied the work of Kandinsky and completed our own art work using his as inspiration.

Little People, Big Dreams Day


Today, the pupils participated in dressing up as one of the people from the Little People, Big Dreams book series. The pupils really enjoyed this and will shortly be writing a text based upon their chosen personality using the information they have found as part of their homework. We are really excited to do this.

PGL September 2024

In September, the Year Six pupils went on a residential to PGL Caythorpe. Whilst there, they participated in many different activities and had an absolutely fantastic time. The pupils were a credit to the school, not only showing excellent behaviour but challenging themselves to reach for goals they set for themselves whilst enjoying themselves in the process.
