
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

EYFS Events

Welcome to the Reception and Preschool Events Page


Here you will find all of the wonderful learning and events which happen in Robins and Goslings Preschool. 

Preschool Stay and Play afternoon

Potting Daffodils

Ladybird Biscuits

Church Visit- Easter Celebration

This week the children walked to the local church in Coates to celebrate Easter with the other children and parents from Coates Primary School. They listened to the retelling of the Easter story, sang some Easter celebration songs and performed "Little Peter Rabbit" to the whole church. They were amazing! Well done Robins. 

Baking with a Chef 

We were very lucky to have Jason, who is a chef, come in and do some baking with the children. They listened and followed instructions well as they weighed and mixed the ingredients. They squashed the dough together, rolled it out and cut a shape out. Once the shortbread was cooked and cooled they drizzled chocolate on to their biscuit.


Lunar New Year  

The Robins Class have loved learning all about Chinese New Year this week. We even had a special visitor Mrs Zhen, who came in to talk to us about how she and her family celebrate the festival each year. The children listened carefully and asked lots of thoughtful questions about the festival.

Gingerbread Man Experiment

Preschool read a gingerbread man story as a group. They then measured out the ingredients and mixed all the ingredients together. When the biscuits were cooked they did an experiment to see what the biscuit would do, if it was dipped in water and what would it do if it was left in water. Lots of lovely observing and checking on the changes that happened to the Gingerbread Men!


Preschool Stay and Play Spring Term

Fairy Tale Day

The children had the best day dressing up as the fairy tale characters they have been learning about in school. They were challenged to make a house for the three little pigs and they did an amazing jobs. Well done Robins!

NSPCC Number Day 2024

Today Preschool and Reception had a fabulous day learning all things Maths. The children dressed up for digits, and explored the learning provision which was all number/maths themed. The children played maths board games, created their own number blocks, completed some repeated patterns and pattern matching as well as sorting numbers up to 6. They have had an amazing day! 

Preschool Christmas Pudding Biscuits

Today the children made some Christmas pudding biscuits. They all had a turn at mixing the ingredients together. They then used white icing and Glacé cherries to decorate them to look like Christmas Puddings.

Preschool Stay and Play session

The children enjoyed spending some time with their parents at preschool during their Stay and Play Session. 

Preschool Pizza Rolls

EYFS and Preschool Creative Morning

The children had a wonderful time at the winter creative morning. Parents and Carers joined us to complete theme crafts, painting, water play and lots of playdough fun. Thank you parents and carers for attending and we hope you had as wonderful time as the children did! 

Book Club

The children had a wonderful time sharing books, stories and non fiction texts with their grown ups at our termly book club. Thank you to everyone who came! The children thoroughly enjoyed spending time reading with you. 

Preschool Cooking: Apple and Cinnamon Cakes

Fire Fighters Visit


The Robins have been learning all about people who help us. They were lucky enough to get a visit from some firefighters and their fire engine. They learnt all about how firefighters protect us and how their fire engine works. They saw huge ladders and hoses which they would use to put the fires out. They also got to sit in the fire engine!

Police Officer Visit 

For our People Who Help Us topic this week, Mr Price came into school in his police officer capacity. The children learned about the role of the police officer including: road safety, the different equipment he carries, how the handcuffs work and the children got the chance to explore the police car with lights and sirens.

Dental Nurse Visit

This afternoon we had a visit from Mrs Hall who works as a Dental Nurse. She talked to us all about our teeth including: how many teeth we have, how we should clean them properly, how long we should clean them for, what happens when we don’t clean our teeth, what food and drinks are good for our teeth and what happens when we go to the dentist. We got to look at some of the tools that they use at the dentists and also had a go at brushing big teeth using small, circular brush strokes like Mrs Hall showed us. We were also lucky enough to take home a sticker and a little timer which we can use to make sure we brush our teeth for at least 2 minutes at home.

Robins Cooking Banana and Blueberry Muffins

Goslings Cooking: Traffic Light Biscuits

Robins Reception: Grandparents Afternoon
