
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

Red Kites – Year 5


This week in our times tables lesson we sang with Ed Sheeran, danced the 9 times table and got very competitive with the times tables challenge!

Marvellous Multiplication!

In Science Week we ventured into space with Dr Who to learn about our solar system.

Little People Big Dreams...but can you guess who is who?

Friday September 13th...the Red Kites went back in time for our evacuee experience day.

The children were fully immersed in learning about the monumental events that changed the world in September 1939.

Through role play we investigated what happened to evacuees when Operation Pied Piper began. We listened to Neville Chamberlain's declaration of war speech and Princess Elizabeth's radio broadcast to her fellow evacuees. We read accounts written by Mrs. Kitchener's Mum who was a little girl when the war began and looked at gas masks, medals and uniform brought in by Maisie, Tyrese and Niya. We painted, listened to war time music made gas mask boxes and identity cards, we even experienced a rationing recipe for chocolate spread! We either loved it...or hated it. Lots of fabulous learning took place today!

Welcome to Y5!

My name is Mrs. Kitchener and I will be teaching the Y5, Red Kites class this year. Throughout the week I will be ably assisted by Mrs. Barber, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs. Dahn on Thursday and Friday.

In school I am the lead teacher for Art, Design Technology and French. I enjoy these subjects a great deal, but am always willing to learn more! Reading is a passion of mine, which I hope rubs off onto the children I teach. Every year I set myself a reading challenge, this year I aimed to read 65 books...I'm reading number 51 at the moment! This year the children will be joining me by taking part in our class reading challenge!

Out of school I love to walk, swim, read, spend time with my family and my cocker spaniel, Leonard. You will hear a lot about him!

Here is a little sneaky peak at our classroom...

Y5 Important Information


Reading is the key that unlocks many doors...I expect the children to read at least 5 times a week and make a note of their books, and thoughts about them in their reading diaries. Please encourage your child to develop this habit, they will thank you for it!


I will set English, Maths and Spelling homework every THURSDAY on Google Classroom. The English and Maths homework will need to be uploaded by TUESDAY EVENING, of the following week. I will test spellings every THURSDAY. If you are having any difficulties with Google Classroom, please let me know I and I will do my best to help.


Tuesdays and Fridays will be our PE days this year. On those days the children will need to come to school wearing their PE kits.

Topics for this year

We have got some really exciting learning planned in Year 5.

Autumn 1 - Blackouts, Battles & The Blitz (WW2)

Autumn 2 - Around the British Isles

Spring 1 - Raid, Invade, Stayed - The Anglo-Saxons

Spring 2 - Journey into the Rainforest

Summer 1 - Raid, Invade, Stayed - The Vikings

Summer 2 - South America



Our topic this half term is World War II, we will be holding an exciting Evacuee Experience WOW Day on Friday September 13th, details have been sent via Parentmail.

Watch this space for photos of our first week back and important information about life in Year 5!


Y5 Second World War Knowledge Organiser
