
Coates Primary School

Reach for the stars, be the best that we can be

School Events

Space Week


From 4th – 11th October, it was National Space Week. To mark the significance of the event, the school took part in an assembly led by Mrs Walker to discuss space exploration and aspects relating to how important it is to travel to space to help us know even more about Earth and what orbits it. In each year group, the children then delved deeper into different aspects related to space and completed a range of activities based upon it. These ranged from making our own satellites, space tea bag splatting to looking at different orbits using Dr Who as our inspiration. The children learnt a great deal whilst enjoying themselves.

International Day of Democracy 2024


As a school we celebrated the International Day of Democracy by taking part in an assembly to discuss initially what democracy means and then followed this by discussing how democracy is seen both in the UK and within our school. We talked about the Houses of Parliament, 10 Downing Street and how you become a Member of Parliament as well as the Prime Minister. We then talked about becoming a School Council Member and how this relates to democracy. The children learnt a great deal and are very excited to share their views.

Science Week 2024

During the week of the 11th March, all year groups participated in a range of science activities throughout the week. We used the aspect of time and completed a variety of investigations and activities to deepen our understanding of the aspects we looked at.

We were then very excited to invite families in to look at the learning that been happening during the week and discuss the knowledge and skills the children had developed.

Below are some of the photographs taken throughout the week in the different year groups.

NSPCC Number Day 2024

At Coates Primary School we have been celebrating Number Day. This year our focus was problem solving. We dressed up for digits and played our annual school competition of Play Your Cards Right! Please take a look on our Maths Page for work completed by the pupils at Coates Primary School. 

We raised a wonderful total of £126 so thank you! 


Young Voices January 2024


On Friday 12th January we had the absolute pleasure of taking our Choir to Young Voices in Birmingham where we sang with over 5000 other children! Our children were absolutely amazing in both their commitment to learning the songs over the past few months and then their effort on the day to participating in the afternoon rehearsal and then the concert itself. We are so proud of every single one of them and am sure that they have made a lifelong memory. We have heard from lots of the family and friends who came to watch the concert in the evening and they all had an amazing time watching the children perform. They are already trying to persuade us to sign up again for next year so we are presuming that they enjoyed the experience as much as we did!



Anti-Bullying Week November 2023

During the week of 13th November, the pupils of Coates Primary School participated in different activities relating to anti-bullying. We started the week with 'Odd Sock Day' on 13th November. During the day, lots of the pupils wore odd socks to celebrate the differences in everyone. Throughout the week, the pupils took part in a range of activities and lessons, focusing on this year's theme which was 'Make a Noise'.

Speed Patrol - October 2023

During the morning of the 18th October, members of the School Council and a pupil who had written a letter highlighting the importance of road safety went out with two police officers and staff members to complete a speed watch on the road near the school. The children really enjoyed using the 'speed gun' and participating in the opportunity. 

NSPCC Number Day 2023


At Coates Primary School we have taken part in Number Day this year. It was a fabulous day filled with problem solving, games, challenges all focused around number. We dressed up in digits, learned the importance of the charity NSPCC and why we were raising money as a school. At the end of the day we finished off in style by playing "Play Your Cards Right!" as a whole school. 

Coates Primary School Coronation Song performed by the children

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Coates Easter Bake Off 2023. Well done to everyone who took part!

Sir Harry Smith Science Visit

During the Spring Term Year 6 participated in a very exciting activity. Two members of staff from the Sir Harry Smith Science team came and completed a heart dissection which the children were allowed to participate in too. The children really enjoyed this experience and learnt a great deal as well to enhance their knowledge of the circulatory system. 

RAF Wittering Visit


On 17th May, we enjoyed a very exciting experience! Members from RAF Wittering came and brought two vehicles, an RAF Police van and an Oshkosh to the school. We were allowed to sit in the vehicles and look around to see what they were like to be in. 


Year 5 and 6 pupils also participated in two STEM activities, learning how to build bridges using a range of materials and making rockets which they then set off to see how far they would travel. 


The morning was very exciting and the children really enjoyed the experience!




Year 4 fundraiser event to support The British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal


We are incredibly proud of our Year 4 pupils for their outstanding fundraising for The British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.  They have challenged themselves to run/walk/bike/swim 10K for sponsorship and have raised over £2,400!


As a school we were thrilled to be able to support the group to raise even more, by devising activities for the whole school to complete.  These included walking the mile (gaining sponsorship to add to their Just Giving page), creating a class sunflower collage, wearing yellow and/or blue and bringing in loose change to donate (raising over £340).  The whole school had a brilliant day and through the inspirational thoughtfulness of the group, we raised awareness across the whole school and raised valuable funds. 

World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March 2022


For World Book Day, the children and staff came dressed as their favourite characters, they all looked amazing. Throughout the day, the children took part in many different ‘book related’ activities.


One of these was our Zoom assemblies that the children participated in at different times during the day. A variety of staff members read a passage from a text that their character was from. The children then had to guess who the character was, what book the character was from and the genre that the book was (an area that we are currently focusing on throughout the school). The children really enjoyed guessing and were intrigued to see who the characters actually were!


In classes, the children completed different exercises related to reading throughout the day. These included creating fantastic covers for books the children had previously read, creating a sequel to a book the children had enjoyed and a scavenger hunt to find different information using many books from our Library.


Possibly the favourite activity the children completed was our book share! Each class was paired with another class and read with them. The enjoyment the children got out of hearing and listening to others read was such an amazing thing to see, everyone has said how they would like to make this a regular occurrence!


It was a brilliant day that was enjoyed by all!

NSPCC Number Day 2022


On February 4th, we had a lot of fun exploring numbers and number patterns. The children came dressed in costumes inspired by numbers and participated in a variety of activities and explorations throughout the day. At the end of the day, we shared our favourite game from the day. We also played a game, which was back by popular request from last year – Play Your Cards Right! The Office were triumphant winners (followed closely by Year 6)! We all had an amazing day!

Children In Need Day 2021


For Children in Need this year, we participated in a ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ themed non uniform day. We also had the pleasure of having a dance session with Mrs Lilley-Creedon.

Attached below is a video of our Year 6 children taking part in the event. We all had a fantastic day.

Anti-Bullying Week 2021 - Odd Sock Day


As part of our work on anti-bullying throughout the week, the school held an odd sock day. This was to celebrate the differences there are in everyone, just like our socks on the day.

We also completed work in our classes based upon anti-bullying. These activities included learning a song, identifying what bullying is, how to support others if they feel they are being bullied and thinking about ways people care about each individual and how they may show this. 

Science Day - 17th May 2021

Pyjamarama Day 2021



On the 14th May we took part in Pyjamarama Day. This is an event held by the BookTrust to promote a love of reading whilst fundraising to ensure all children have access to books and a bedtime story. Children and staff had lots of fun making a donation to come to school wearing their pyjamas. During the day they took part in activities linked to their class texts and enjoyed listening to a story with a biscuit in their pyjamas! We want to thank everyone who took part and donated to this cause as we raised a fabulous £214! smiley


Coates Primary School have been celebrating all things Maths with the NSPCC Number Day 2021. Our theme at school this year was "Playing Cards" and the children immersed themselves in all learning related to playing cards. The children had the opportunity to Dress up for Digits to raise some money for NSPCC too. We raised a fabulous £184 to this amazing charity. There were some fabulous homemade t-shirts, some including part-whole models and tens frames! 

The children learned how to play different card games such as snap, pairs, clocks, 21 and solitaire. The children also learned about the key skills to be a mathematician. 

At the end of the day we had a virtual whole school game of Play your cards right  with our host for the day- Mrs Boucher! It was a close call but Year 5 were our worthy winners! 

At the end of the day, the children took home a set of playing cards to keep with a Coates playing cards rule book to continue playing cards at home. 


Coates Bake Off February 2021

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The Nativity Story 2020

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Our Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage children are really excited to present to you their virtual nativity this year.

Children In Need 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

The year six pupils represented the school on Remembrance Day
The whole school had the opportunity to have a first hand experience with the Exotic animal encounter. Robins class had the chance to ask questions, experience, and feel the different animals on display. The children thoroughly enjoyed this

 In Robins class forest schools has been set up. The children have been practising listening and looking carefully in their environment around them, discussing the changed of the seasons, exploring the animals in the local areas and completing some art work outside. All of the children look forward to Forest schools each week. 

EYFS Police visit

"As part of our All about me topic in reception, the children had the opportunity to meet a police officer. The children had the chance to listen to a talk about safety online, stranger danger and crossing the road. Robins class then had the opportunity to look at the police car, and test out the sirens to see how they work." 

Theme Monring

Pre school and Robins class had their first theme morning. This was all based around careers and aspirations. The children had the opportunity with pre school and test out different jobs at the role play stations. The children also came dressed up as who they would like to be when they grow up. 

Harvest Donations 2019

Forest School Development

It was wonderful to be joined by a group of parents to collect unwanted branches and logs etc from the local lake to use in our Forest School project.  Mrs Norris was over the moon with what we brought back to school. Thank you to the parents who gave up their evening to help.  More information about how the Forest School project will run will be sent to parents over the summer term.


Visit From Mr Digby regarding Catchment area for Sir Harry Smiths.

On Tuesday 8th May we were delighted to welcome Mr Diby (CEO of the Apsire Learning Trust) to talk to the parents about recent concerns regarding the catchment area with all the building developments in Whittlesey and Coates.  I have attached the presentation from Mr Digby to allow all parents who were not able to attend to see what was discussed. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and I can forward them to Mr Digby. 


Kind regards


Lindsey Boucher


Coates Presentation 2018

Today (28.11.16) we had a visit from John Willis, a founder and CEO of a charity Power 2 Inspire. As someone born without limbs, he has encountered many difficulties in his life and he came to speak to the children about how you can overcome many things to try and achieve your goals in life. The children were extremely inspired by John and I'm sure that they will tell you all about it!!!

John Willis visit 28.11.16

Samaritan's Purse shoebox appeal
